Schmidhausen natural gas storage facility

The Schmidhausen natural gas storage facility is located in the southern part of Bavaria.

In 1983, it was built in a former natural gas field. The underground reservoir has an extension of 10 km³.

The porous reservoir rock of the Aquitan has been developed at a depth of more than 1,000 m through seven drill holes and hold a working gas volume of approx. 154 million nAs a pore storage facility, Schmidhausen serves to balance the demand gap between summer and winter months and contributes to the secure gas supply of the Bavarian state capital Munich.


  • Location: Bavaria      
  • Storage type: pore storage
  • Gas quality: H-gas
  • Geological formation: Tertiary / Aquitaine Sandstone
  • Depth: 1,010 m below ground level
  • Working gas volume: approx. 154 million m³n
  • Max. injection capacity: 40,000 m³n/h
  • Max. withdrawal rate: 150,000 m³n/h
  • Number of storage wells: 7
  • Year of construction / commissioning: 1983
  • Market area / Network operator: Trading Hub Europe (THE) / SWM Infrastructure

Safety information according to accident law

Safety flyers and data for on-site inspections in accordance with §16 StörfallV can be found in our media library (german)


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