Lesum natural gas storage facility
The Lesum cavern storage facility is located near the river Lesum.

The Lesum cavern storage facility is located near the river Lesum.
It is one of the H-gas storage facilities in Germany. With two caverns and a working gas volume of approx. 153 million m³n , Lesum is an important pillar in the supply of H-gas.
- Location: Bremen
- Storage type: cavern storage
- Gas quality: H-gas
- Caverns in operation: 2
- Geological formation: Upper Permian salt dome
- Depth of the caverns: 1,251 - 1,664 m below ground level
- Working gas volume: approx. 153 million m³n
- Max. injection capacity: 105,000 m³n/h
- Max. withdrawal rate: 220,000 m³n/h
- Year of construction / commissioning: 2000
- Market area / Network operator: Trading Hub Europe (THE) / Gasunie
Safety information according to accident law
Safety flyers and data for on-site inspections in accordance with §16 StörfallV can be found in our media library (german)